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Ingersoll Watch Co. 1892

Robert H Ingersoll and his brother Charles founded the Ingersoll Watch Company, one of the oldest American watchmakers. The Ingersoll brothers were pioneers of industry and invention in the field of watchmaking. They devised and followed an ambitious plan: to offer Ingersoll watches to the general public at an affordable price, whilst maintaining real quality and credibility.

Based in New York City, each watch was initially produced by hand, but in 1892, thanks to Henry Ford, Ingersoll succeeded in developing a production line for pocket watches and wristwatches.

With high-quality production, precision components, and the very reasonable price of $1.00 (a day's wages at that time) the so-called ‘Dollar Watch’ was born.

The Dollar Watch was so popular that over one million were sold.

The Ingersoll Watch Company grew with the demand and made new advances in watch manufacturing; developing the functions and features of Ingersoll watches to create:

  • The smallest existing pocket watch.
  • ‘RADIOLITE’: the first glow-in-the-dark watch.
  • The first-ever military watch, which was designed with the involvement of the armed forces.
  • The first character watch, which was commissioned by Disney to feature Mickey Mouse.

Ingersoll watches have been sold continuously since their inception and today the Ingersoll brand is renowned the world over. Ingersoll continues to maintain the ethos of the Ingersoll brothers and is proud to present a new range of quality, precision timepieces.

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